Your child is in safe hands at SkillZ UP.
We have a clear commitment to child protection and the safeguarding of our students is of the highest priority.
Please do not send your child to SkillZ UP if they are feeling unwell, a family member or someone in your household are displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
All parents/carers are kindly asked to maintain social distancing when arriving at our venue.
No parents/carers are permitted to enter the building (unless in an emergency).
All parents/carers are required to drop their children off at the door of the reception for a staggered start.
In Class
We will be observing class sizes in line with social distancing.
Frequent hand washing or hand sanitisation will be undertaken by all upon entry, between disciplines, before and after break and toilet visits, and upon exit.
Hand sanitisers will be at the main entrance (where applicable).
Signage regarding hand washing / sanitising will be displayed around the venue.
Please ensure your child only brings essential possessions to SkillZ UP (such as water, and any medical needs), and to keep those possessions close to them wherever practicable.
Children will be encouraged to cough or sneeze using the inside of their elbow to 'catch it' or a tissue which should be put into a bin bag (one per room) which the Instructors will seal and dispose of after each school session.
Social distancing
We will be observing the latest social distancing guidance from the UK Government for all of our students where appropriate.
We will endeavour to deliver classes which encourage them to keep their distance where reasonably practicable.
Our toilet policy has been modified to incorporate social distancing.
Students are to be collected from the same door they entered the building. Please note that we may need to stagger departure times to ensure social distancing is maintained.
Credit notes
Credit notes have been issued to all families bookings who were affected by the temporary closures.
Families who had bookings who were affected by the temporary closures have been issued with make-up classes - to claim your make-up class, please email us.
Please note, as government guidance and policy change we will be updating safety measures accordingly.